What is Review Marketing and why is it so important to master 2025?

Because people want to deal with people they know or feel they can trust...
And your new customers do not know you - that's why it's about signaling security, trust and credibility online ...

90% of all consumers read customer reviews in an effort not to be cheated and 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from family and friends!


What is the value of Review Marketing?

It is difficult to put an exact value on reviews because it depends a lot on the industry, product, and many other elements, but Review Marketing works and provides payback because the trend shows that:

57% of consumers are confident with three star scores overall.

94% of consumers are confident with a four star score overall.


Marketing customer reviews is about using your customer reviews on the website, landing pages and social media.

Review Marketing helps potential new customers choose your business.

Review Marketing is the most important "online-offline thing" to master 2025 and in particular, if you are interested in the "new normal".

There are many platforms, widgets and software giving promises for Review Marketing. Make a choice and remember these Must-have!

  • Language - is the user interface in a language you understand?
  • Ease of use - is it easy to operate the platform and link to your website and Google Reviews?
  • Real time or static review snippets - do you need to update scripts daily or never?
  • Support - is there telephone and or e-mail support so you can get help for success?
Au2Matic.com makes it easy to practice Review Marketing and signal the credibility and trust potential new customers seek online and offline...

Start your subscription at Au2Matic.com and login.


Now You can easily and quickly start displaying customer reviews on your own website and landing pages, here you get "The three Au2Matic methods":


Online Reviews via own design and setup in CMS:

For developers and web agencies 🠖 

If the customer reviews are to be displayed on web, or landing pages, which are managed or designed in a CMS or Blog system such as Word Press, Umbraco or something that is implemented via online marketing agency, then it is easy for the developer to design and link via au2matic / review / api / which returns live data via standard JSON.

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Online Reviews via Iframes:

For experienced in CMS and html 🠖

You can also insert an IFRAME, which links to a finished script that either displays a list of detailed customer reviews, a carousel of customer reviews, or accumulated number of reviews.

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Online Reviews via ready-to-use websites at Au2Matic.com:

For you who want to get started quickly with Review Marketing🠖


You can also choose the easy solution and insert links on your website that open finished pages with your review data on Au2Matic.com. With this link solution, you get started with Online Review Marketing in minutes on every website (landing page).

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Reviews totals - show total number of reviews and average rating.

Review carousel - show customer reviews in carousel form.

Review details - show list of customer reviews in detail.


Regardless of how you choose to display and market your Reviews, real-time data is displayed. The same second a new customer creates a new customer review, it is counted and displayed thanks to the built-in robot and autopilot.

Get started for free
"Fem stjernede anmeldelser giver kunder i butikken"
Patrick Nielsen, elinstallatør
If a potential customer click on your website link in Google's search result due to Review Snippets then ...
Is it important that he / she "can read more and feel even more trust and credibility on the landing page he / she enters!

What do old customers say? Show their ratings or reviews - call it what you will - but make it easy for potential customers to read as many as they want and remember that 57% are confident at 3 stars but as many as 94% feel confident if their rating is four stars or more. Review Marketing is marketing your customer reviews!
Covid-19 created lockdowns, which closed the physical stores, Russia's Ukraine invasion which creates further disruptions in the supply chains but also keeps us in new patterns - all of which fuel the fire that someone calls "the new normal" or "next normal". Consumers are becoming more and more online but also insecure. They go high in the reputation to feel confident in the selection and it starts online. Whether we want to acknowledge or not and therefore the whole ROPO (Research Online Purchase Offline) arises.

"People trade with people they know or feel they can trust" - so your new customers are most interested in whether they can trust you and your company rather than the product or service itself and that says it all about how important it is to Market Yourself on Customer Reviews or Review Marketing.
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